Hi, I’m back! 🙂
This time I’m here with a review of some nose strips that I use, all the way from Seoul, Korea. The strips are by a brand called “Aritaum” from the Bamboo charcoal collection.
Zdravo, opet Ja ! 🙂
Ovog puta dolazim sa recenzijom trakica za uklanjanje mitesera, korejskog brenda “Aritam”, iz njihove kolekcije proizvoda baziranih na bambusovom uglju.

For people who aren’t familiar with nose strips, these guys are supposed to help you with eliminating excess sebum and extracting blackheads and whiteheads around your nose, leaving your pores smooth & black dots free.
Za one koji se ranije nisu sretali sa ovakvim proizvodom i ne znaju njegovu namenu, ove trakice služe za brzo i efektno uklanjanje miteresa i viška sebuma u predelu oko nosa.
As you know from my Summer sunscreen skin-care review post, I have combination skin. Slightly on the oily side in the summer, that also tends to get dehydrated and scaly in winter. I get a blemish or two if I’m in a hot and humid climate (usually on my forehead from sweating ) or sometimes when “Aunt Flo” comes to town ( so my hormones do some rave partying ). Nothing severe in either case. But, like a lot of people with combination skin, I tend more to have issues with clogged pores and blackheads, usually in my oily zones ( my chin area and around my nose, where I have dilated pores). This is where these strips come in handy.
*For more information about my skin, check out my Facts page.*
Kao što već znate iz mog ranijeg posta Summer sunscreen skin-care review , imam mešoviti tip kože. Leti naginje ka masnoj, dok je zimi više suva / dehidrirana i sklona perutanju. Imam sreću da ne patim preterano od bubuljica. Po neka me obraduje svojim prisustvom leti, kada su visoke temperature / sparno ( najčešće u predelu čela ), ili u ” onim danima ” kada mi lude hormoni. Sve u svemu, ništa strašno. Poput dosta osoba sa kombinovanom kožom, pojavljuje mi se problem sa začepljenim porama i miteserima, obično na masnijim zonama lica ( na bradi ili okolo nosa gde imam proširene pore). Upravo ovde stupaju na scenu Aritam trakice.
*Za više informacija o mojoj koži, posetite moju Facts stranicu .*
Appearance, ingredients & application
The nose strips have the same butterfly shape as the rest on the market. The only difference is that they’re black, due to the bamboo charcoal ( It comes from the Damyang county in South Korea, where they traditionally bake the bamboo in kinls at 1000 °c . It’s great as a deep cleanser, detoxifier, exfoliant, etc.). They also contain Witch hazel & Sage extract, well-known for their antibacterial properties.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the ingredients list.
Izgled, sastav & upotreba
Trakice su kao I ostale na tržištu u obliku leptira, jedino se razlikuju po boji. Umesto standardne bele, ove trakice su crne boje ( zbog bambusovog uglja kao sastojka ). Ugalj potiče iz okruga Damjang u Južnoj Koreji, gde se dobija tradicionalnim pečenjem bambusa u pećima na 1000 °c. Poznat je kao odlično sredstvo za dubinsko čišćenje kože, detoksikaciju itd. Pored bambusovog uglja, trakice su obogaćene i ekstraktom žalfije i hamamelisa, poznatim po svom antibakterijskom svojstvu.

The application method is the same as with every other nose strip: apply strip onto damp clean skin / wait 10-15 min for it to completely dry / peel off / wash any residue / proceed with the rest of your skincare regime.
They don’t pull on the skin to the point of crying like a baby ( like with the Biore ones, those hurt like hell). They also don’t leave that weird duct tape-like residue on my skin (like the Titania and Nivea strips, that I’ve used in the past).
One thing is different – no feeling of tightness or dryness after use, which I really like.
They have a slight scent of burned wood (duh, I know :D) but the smell is not strong, so I have no problem coping with it for 10/15 min, while the strip is on my nose.
They tend to leave some black residue around the strip rims from water, but you can easily wash it off. Just treat the skin with some toner and a nice cream after peeling them off, and you’re good to go.
I usually use these strips once every two weeks, since I don’t have severe issues with blackheads.
Način upotrebe je isti kao i kod ostalih : nanosite ih na čistu vlažnu kožu / čekate 10-15 min. da se trakica skroz osuši / skinete / isperete eventualne ostatke sredstva trakice / nastavite sa vašim režimom nege kože ( nekim tonerom i hidratantnom kremom ). Poseduju blag miris nalik na paljevinu ( što je jelte i logično 😀 ) ali ne toliko jak da nećete moći da izdržite trakicu desetak minuta na nosu.
Same po sebi, trakice nisu teške za skidanje ( uklanjanje ne boli poput skidanja Biore traka ). Ono što mi se najviše sviđa, jeste što nemam osećaj zatezanja niti suve kože, nakon njihove upotrebe.
Ujedno, ne ostavljaju lepljiv film na koži kao Titania I Nivea trakice, koje sam ranije koristila. Ukoliko ste previše navlažili kožu, može vam ostati crni trag na mestima gde su rubovi trake ali nije nikakav problem isprati sve vodom. Koristim ih jednom u dve nedelje što mi je sasvim dovoljno, s obzirom da nemam velikih problema sa miteserima.

Do they work?
To be honest, if you have issues with very visible and deep blackheads, this won’t help you a lot. But again, I don’t think there’s a nose strip in the world that actually will ( if you have such serious issues, I recommend going to a dermatologist/beautician).
For mild, more shallow blackheads ( mixture of excess sebum, product residue, etc.), they’re good and do what they’re supposed to.
Da li imaju efekta ?
Iskreno, ukoliko patite od izrazito dubokih, primetnih mitesera, mislim da vam ove trakice neće previše pomoći. S druge strane, mislim da ne postoje na svetu trake koje bi temeljno rešavale takav problem ( ukoliko imate ovako ozbiljan problem, savetujem vam da se obratite nekom dobrom dermatologu / kozmetičaru ).
Za blaže, pliće mitesere, odrađuju svoj posao sasvim korektno.
Do I recommend it?
For the price & if you don’t have severe, deep blackheads ( like with very oily and acne-prone skin ), you get a thumbs up from me to give them a try. 🙂
I order mine at Jolse as a pack of 10 strips, for the price of around 7 $ / 5,66 €.
Da li ih preporučujem ?
Za njihovu cenu ( paket od 10 trakica je oko 695 rsd, možeze ih poručiti sa web prodavnice Jolse ) I ukoliko nemate problem sa jako dubokim miteserima ( kao kod osoba sa izrazito masnom kožom, koji su skloniji I aknama ) slobodno ih probajte, nećete se pokajati.
Caution: Don’t try this product if you suffer from dermatitis or eczema. Stop using it if any redness or itchiness appears after its use ( These are some precautions written on the label in Korean ).
Ne preporučuje se njihova upotreba ukoliko ste osoba koja pati od ekcema ili dermatitisa. U slučaju ako nakon njihove upotrebe osetite svrab ili vam se pojavi crvenilo, prekinite sa upotrebom ( upozorenje koje piše na njihovoj ambalaži na korejskom ) .
Well, that would be it for this review! Have a great week you guys! 🙂
En mi blog, pueden preguntarme sobre los productos tambien en español, en la sección de comentarios – Voy a responder con mucho gusto ! 😊