And – I’m back guys! 😄
We’re continuing where we left off with the Pony Effect review series! This time, I’m here with a lip product, in this case – the PONY EFFECT “Deep & Pure” Lip Tint review. As always, I’ve divided this review into several sections, so feel free to skip what you don’t want to read about 😊 :
Iiii – evo me konačno ponovo na blogu ! 😄
Nastavljamo gde smo stali sa serijalom Pony EFFECT. U ovom slučaju, u pitanju je recenzija PONY EFFECT “Deep & Pure” tinte za usne. Bez neke preduge (i dosadne ) uvertire, prelazimo direktno na stvar. Naravno kao i uvek, recenzija je podeljena na nekoliko celina , tako da možete preskočiti sa čitanjem onoga što vas ne zanima 🙂 :
Packaging / Ambalaža

The lip tint comes in a sturdy plastic tube with a standard doe-foot applicator, nicely placed in a sleek cardboard box. Like with the rest of Pony Effect’s products, we have the same packaging color scheme – Rose gold & Navy blue. The front is in English and the back in Korean ( wish it was all in English, as for the shade name ). Now, the brand itself has a unique logo, in the shape of a sign for voltage (or thunder 😊 ). In this case, the color of the logo represents the tint’s shade. You get 8.5gr/0.3oz of product ( a very nice amount ), with a shelf life of 24 months after opening. The product is made in Korea by MemeBox.
Kao što vidite, tinta dolazi u elegantnoj kartonskoj kutijici, dok se sam proizvod nalazi u čvrstoj plastičnoj tubici, sa standardnim sunđerastim aplikatorom za nanošenje proizvoda. Kao i kod ostale Pony Effect kozmetike, pakovanje je dvobojno – kombinacija roze zlatne i teget. Spreda je natpis na engleskom a pozadi na korejskom ( što donekle otežava da zapamtite naziv nijanse na svakoj tubici ukoliko ne znate jezik). Sam brend ima karakterističan logo, u formi simbola za napon ( ili munju 😬). Boja logoa ovde označava koje je nijanse sama tinta. Dobijate 8 gr proizvoda ( više nego dovoljna količina) sa rokom trajanja od 24 meseca nakon otvaranja. Proizvod je napravljen u Koreji od strane kompanije Memebox.
About the lip tint product / Malo o samom proizvodu
So, as the title says, this is a ” lip tint ” or as some would say a “lip stain”. For those who aren’t so familiar with this kind of lip product, this is something that I would put in between a lip gloss and – depending on the lip tint’s color intensity/finish/pigmentation, and a liquid lipstick.
In a sense, I’d say – something of a hybrid. When it comes to the product’s consistency it’s usually runnier ( very watery or in a gel-like form ) – compared to a lip gloss or a liquid lipstick. As for the product’s finish – it can be glossy or more with a matte or velvet finish. Their main purpose is to give the lips a nice subtle (or bold) color, with a longer staying power than a lip gloss or lipstick (since they “tint” or “stain” the lips).

Kao što i sam naziv proizvoda kaže, ovde je u pitanju tzv. tinta za usne. Ukoliko se do sada niste susreli sa ovakvim konceptom proizvoda za usne, ovo je nešto što bih ja stavila u kategoriju hibrida – nešto između sjaja i tečnog karmina za usne. Po teksturi i konzistenciji, dosta je laganiji i ređi, u poređenju sa jednim sjajem ili tečnim karminom. Kada govorimo o samom finišu, mogu biti kako sa sjajnim finišem, tako i sa mat ili baršunastom završnicom. Osnovna funkcija tinte je da usnama daje jednu suptilnu ili pak smeliju nijansu, koja će se zadržati na usnama duži vremenski period naspram sjaja ili karmina ( s obzirom da imaju tzv. efekat “bojenja” usana ).
Functionality & Usability / Funkcionalnost i upotrebljivost
Lip tints are very popular in South Korea, I’d say even more popular than lipsticks and lip gloss. When you look at it, I completely understand why. It’s supposed to be more comfortable to wear and re-applying is also less often, because of its staying power. Looks very natural, so it’s great even for those who don’t like to wear a lot of makeup. Gives you a healthy look and brightens the face, all in all – in theory, it’s just a perfect product on the go.
You can wear them in two ways: a more western style – in several layers, the way you would wear a liquid lipstick, or wear it in a more Asian style – rocking the famous “gradient lip” ( you apply a bit of foundation/concealer as a base to counteract the pigment in your lips. Then you apply the tint just in the inner center of your lips, blending it outwards to the rims, to get that shear, fading effect ).

Tinte su vrlo popularne u Južnoj Koreji, moglo bi se reći čak i popularnije od karmina i sjaja za usne. U osnovi, tinte bi trebale biti mnogo prijatnije za nošenje naspram recimo tečnog karmina, postojanost je takođe po pravilu duža. Uz adekvatnu nijansu, možete postići jedan vrlo prirodan i svež izgled, tako da su odlične za osobe koje ne vole da nose mnogo šminke. Generalno, odličan proizvod za svaki dan i za sve uzraste.
Što se tiče same upotrebe tinti, možete ih nositi na dva načina : više zapadnjački – slojevito, na način kako biste nosili tečni karmin, ili u skladu sa azijskim trendom tzv. ” gradient” usana ( kao osnovu na usne stavljate puder/korektor, nebili neutralisali njihovu boju. Zatim nanosite tintu na centralni, unutrašnji deo usana, blendirajući proizvod ka samom obodu za jedan ombre efekat ).
Application & Impressions / Nanošenje i utisci
So, I got this lip tint in the shade “Beautiful”. Now, the color is described as a light coral pink, but when I look at the color on my lips in person, I would rather describe it as fuchsia or magenta. The product is very lightweight, not as runny as some other tints, and pretty easy to apply. The doe-foot applicator is also nice to work with ( I wasn’t too precise when test applying on purpose, and I’d say it came out pretty neat in pictures). Of course, if you don’t like these applicators, you can always use a lip brush with the product. The tint is pretty scented (some won’t like that) has a nice, fruity, cherry scent. When you lick your lips, they feel a bit sweet, but it leaves no weird aftertaste in the mouth, which is a plus. This tint has a semi-matte finish.

Uzela sam tintu u nijansi “Beautiful”. Boja je opisana kao koralno pink, mada s obzirom kako izgleda na mojim usnama, pre bih je nazvala magenta nijansom pink. Proizvod je vrlo lagan, ne toliko redak poput nekih drugih tinti i vrlo se lako nanosi. Dolazi sa standardnim sunđerastim aplikatorom za nanošenje proizvoda, na koji zaista nemam zamerki. Naravno, ukoliko ne volite ove aplikatore, uvek možete koristiti i četkicu za usne. Tinta je moram reći dosta parfimisana (nekima se to neće svideti) – vrlo prijatan voćni miris, poput višnje. Kada liznete usne, oseća se jedna blaga slatkoća ali ne ostavlja nikakav čudan ukus u ustima, što je super. Ova tinta ima polu mat finis.

Pony recommends for the product to be layered as lipstick. By this I mean – one coat of tint / let it set/ remove any excess with tissue/ second coat /set/tissue again/ etc., repeating this with as many layers as you want. The product layers beautifully, had no issues with this. Starts a bit tacky as you apply it, but once it sets, you’re good. The color is very buildable ( 3 coats are ideal) and won’t accentuate the lips’ texture. I have to say, it is perfection on the lips – it doesn’t dry out my lips at all ( which can happen with some liquid lipsticks and tints). The product perfectly moves with the lips if it makes any sense :D. Super comfortable to wear, I literally forget I have anything on my lips. If you layer it as recommended, it really doesn’t transfer and it’s also smudge-proof. Now, as for the staying power, it needs re-applying after a few hours, especially if you eat and drink (had no issues with layering the product). But, you won’t lose the color more than 60 % (which is good for a tint). The lips are pretty stained and you’ll need micellar water to rub it all off. The product gradually fades, it doesn’t flake. Re-applying is super easy. It also doesn’t bleed as you can see below.

Poni savetuje da se tinta nanese poput karmina. U smislu, sloj tinte / sačekati da se slegne proizvod/ skinuti višak boje maramicom/ sledeći sloj / i tako onoliko slojeva koliko želite. Boja tinte se lako nadograđuje, kada je prvo nanesete, malo je lepljiva ali onog momenta kada se osuši, više je ne osećate na usnama. Proizvod se divno pomera sa usnama, zaista nemate osećaj da vam se uopšte išta nalazi na njima. Ne isušuje, a 3 sloja su idealna da dobijete jednu ravnomernu, intenzivnu boju. Ukoliko ga nanesete kako je preporučeno, zaista nema transfera. Boja se takođe ne razliva, što je jako bitno. Što se tiče same postojanosti, moraćete da je dodatno nanosite nakon par sati, pogotovu ako ste nešto jeli i pili . Boja dosta ravnomerno bledi, ne kruni se. Svakako nećete nikad izgubiti više od 60 % boje (sto je za tintu sasvim oke). Neophodna je micelarna voda kako biste je u potpunosti uklonili.
Ingredients / Sastav
Like most Korean makeup, this is also a skin care-infused product. The tint is enriched with a nourishing flower complex and hyaluronic acid. The tint is also a cruelty-free product, without ingredients like sulfates, phthalates, sodium lauryl sulfate, formaldehyde, propylene glycol, alcohol, MIT, talc, mineral oil, tea, triclosan, coal tar, formaldehyde-releasers, dye ( does contain parabens ).
Kao i ostala korejska kozmetika, i ovaj proizvod je obogaćen sastojcima iz oblasti preparativne kozmetike. U ovom slučaju to je dodatak hijaluronske kiseline i nekoliko biljnih ekstrakata. Borba protiv znakova starenja je korejcima jako bitna i kroz dekorativnu kozmetiku. Proizvod nije testiran na životinjama i kao sastojke ne sadrži : boje, formaldehid, mineralno ulje, propilen glikol, katran, alkohol, sulfate, sodium lauril sulfat, triklosan, ftalate, metilizotiazolinon ( sadrži parabene).

The ingredients COSDNA list for one of the colors ( unfortunately, I couldn’t find the list for this exact shade on the website, but they all have the same base, just different coloring ingredients) :
Lista sastava ( nisam mogla da nađem na sajtu listu sastojaka za ovu nijansu, ali u osnovi sve se baziraju na istoj formuli, samo je razlika u korišćenim pigmentima ) :
As you can see, there’s hyaluronic acid, rose, damask rose and Centaurea cyanus (although all pretty low on the list) – all three are good for hydration, some also known as ingredients high in antioxidants ( roses are rich in vitamin C ).
Hijaluronska kiselina, ekstrakt ruža i različak ( mada su svi dosta nisko na listi ) – sva tri sastojka su poznata po svojoj hidratantnoj sposobnosti kao i visokim sadržajem antioksidanata ( ruže su bogate vitaminom C ).
Any remarks ? / Ikakve zamerke ?
Have no issues with this product. Some won’t be satisfied with the staying power, I’m personally fine with it ( to be honest, having something on my lips that you can’t get off at all, would freak me out, so… xD ). Again, It’s a matter of personal preference really. 🙂
Nemam nikakvih zamerki. Neki možda neće biti zadovoljni sa njenom postojanošću ( mene iskreno ne privlači da na usnama imam nešto što se apsolutno uopšte ne skida, tako da… xD ). Što se mene lično tiče, ja sam zaista zadovoljna.

Do I recommend ? / Da li preporučujem ?
Absolutely !. I really liked this tint. It’s perfect for summer, especially with a nice tan. The ease of application, pigmentation, decent staying power – In general, I don’t see lip tints as products with more longevity than liquid lipsticks. So, I can’t complain much. If you like lip tints, or you want to try some, definitely check these out !. 🙂 I bought mine via TesterKorea for the price of 16,150 krw + shipping ( this varies based on the parcel’s weight ).
Definitivno !. Zaista mi se sviđa ova tinta, divna je za leto. Lako se nanosi, vrlo pigmentovana, zadovoljavajuća postojanost…Zaista nemam mnogo zamerki – Ja generalno ne vidim tinte kao proizvod duže postojanosti od tečnog karmina. Ukoliko volite tinte, ili želite da probate neku po prvi put, ove imaju moju toplu preporuku !. 🙂 Tintu možete poručiti preko sajta TesterKorea a cena joj je 16.150 krw + poštarina ( visina poštarine zavisi od težine paketa ).
That’s it for my long review, hope you liked it! 🙂