Hello! Long time no see! 😁 As you can tell – I’ve redesigned the website, so now I can finally get back to my writing! Being a Gemini = sick perfectionist on the loose. I’m trying to learn a bit more about CSS and some other stuff, just to be more familiar with my blog on the tech side. I’ll also improve the quality of my pictures in the near future. Even though this is a hobby for me, I want to give my best. Hope y’all like the changes! 😊
OK – So, let’s cut to the chase.
For the first time, I’m here with my impressions of a makeup set – An adorable highlighter kit called ” Glow on the Go” by BECCA Cosmetics.
The review is as always, divided into several segments, so feel free to skip the parts you find boring 😉 :
Zdravo! 😁
Konačno se vraćam pisanju posle duže pauze. Blog je ujedno doživeo manje izmene u vizuelnom smislu… To vam je kada ste bolesni Blizanac perfekcionista I nemate mira dok apsolutno sve nije onako kako ste zamislili. Iako je meni ovo lep hobi, potrudiću se da vam u skorijoj budućnosti pružim dosta kvalitetniju fotografiju. Počela sam da učim i malo o CSS-u, prosto kako bih bila više upoznata sa tehničkom stranom vođenja bloga, s obzirom da sve sama radim. Toliko o tome, nadam se da će vam se svideti predstojeće promene ! 😊
Nakon ove krajnje dosadne uvertire, prelazim na ono što vas sve najviše i interesuje. Po prvi put vam dolazim sa recenzijom jednog malog seta šminke. U pitanju je set hajlajtera pod nazivom ” Glow on the Go” australijskog brenda BECCA Cosmetics.
Recenzija je kao I uvek podeljena na nekoliko segmenata, zato slobodno preskočite šta vas ne zanima 😉 :

You get an adorable pearlescent cardboard box, that features 2 travel-size products: the ” Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed ” & the ” Shimmering Skin Perfector Spotlight “. Both are in Becca’s best-selling shade – Opal. You’re actually getting the Shimmering Skin Perfector highlighter in two forms – liquid & pressed pan. They both come in a nice plastic packaging: “Shimmering Skin Perfector Spotlight” comes in a lip gloss-like container with a straight doe foot applicator, while the “Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed” comes in a cute plastic compact with a small mirror. Had no issues with the packaging, the liquid highlighter’s lid seals tight, the compact won’t open easily, all in all, good quality.
With the liquid highlighter, you get 5 ml/0.17 fl. Oz of product, while the compact pressed version carries 2.4 g/0.08 Oz ( regular size compact carries 8 g). The liquid version is made in Germany and assembled in China, with a shelf life of 6 months after opening. The pressed version is made in the USA, with a longer shelf life of 24 months after opening.
Kao što vidite, u okviru preslatke sedefaste kartonske kutijice, nalaze se dve mini verzije hajlajtera. U pitanju su ” Shimmering Skin Perfector ” hajlajter u kamenu, I “Shimmering Skin Perfector Spotlight ” , njegova tečna verzija . Oba hajlajtera su u najprodavanijoj Becca nijansi – Opal. Proizvodi imaju finu plastičnu ambalažu, SSP Spotlight se nalazi u bočici poput sjaja za usne, sa ravnim sunđerastim aplikatorom za lakše nanošenje, dok se SSP u kamenu nalazi u malom kompaktu sa ogledalcem. Ambalaža je dobre izrade, tako da nemam zamerki – nema straha od samootvaranja kompakta, bočica se takođe čvrsto zatvara. Sve u svemu, sasvim pristojan kvalitet.
Kada je u pitanju gramaža tj. mililitraža, dobijate 5 ml tečnog hajlajtera odnosno 2,4 gr hajlajtera u kamenu ( njegovo standardno pakovanje sadrži 8gr ). Tečna verzija je napravljena u Nemačkoj i sastavljena u Kini, sa rokom trajanja od 6 meseci nakon otvaranja. Hajlajter verzija u kamenu napravljena je u SAD-u, sa rokom trajanja od 2 godine ( 24 meseca ) nakon otvaranja.
Like I’ve mentioned it earlier, this is a highlighter set, containing the exact same SSP shade, just in two different forms – liquid and pressed powder. Unfortunately, this set doesn’t come in every SSP shade, so for now you can only get the Shimmering Skin Perfector kit in Opal and Champagne Pop ( former collaboration shade with Jaclyn Hill ). I do hope they’ll change this since the set is a best-seller. This fall, the company has also launched Opal and the other SSP pressed highlighters in a mini version, so hopefully, this kit will also be available in other SSP shades in the near future. These are also travel-size products, so they are great for on-the-go.
Kao što sam već spomenula, ovo je hajlajterski set koji se u principu sastoji iz dve verzije Shimmering Skin Perfector-a : tečne i u kamenu. Set je za sada nažalost samo dostupan u nijansi Opal i odnedavno u nijansi Champagne Pop ( nekadašnja kolaboracija sa Džeklin Hil) . Zaista se nadam da će se set uskoro pojaviti i u ostalim SSP nijansama, s obzirom da je jedan od njihovih najprodavanijih proizvoda. Becca je inače ove jeseni lansirala i mini verzije svih nijansi SSP hajlajtera, tako da realizacija i ovih setova u svim SSP nijansama nije nemoguća. Ovo su inače putne verzije proizvoda, tako da ih lako možete nositi sa sobom.

The products can be used just as every highlighter – to accentuate the high points of the face. You could use them on your cheeks, nose bridge, or Cupid’s bow. The pressed version can also be used all over the lid as an eye shadow, in the inner corners, or under the brow bone.
Fun tip: Every person should know how to highlight their own face according to their face shape and features. Take a mirror and go to a source of light ( window, indoor lights, etc) after you put on your most greasy face product – e.g a face oil or cream. While moving your head around, you’ll see where the light hits your face. That way you’ll get those perfect and unique highlighting spots. 😊
Oba proizvoda možete koristiti naravno kao i svaki hajlajter – prvenstveno da naglasite visoke tačke na licu. Možete ih koristiti na jagodičnoj kosti, mostu nosa ili iznad gornje usne. Verzija u kamenu je odlična i kao senka preko celog kapka, ili za hajlajtovanje ispod obrve i u unutrašnjim uglovima očiju.
Zabavni trik : Kako biste znali kako da hajlajtujete svoje lice u skladu sa njegovim oblikom i crtama – Nanesite najmasniji proizvod koji imate, tipa neko ulje, serum ili hidratantnu kremu. Uzmite ogledalo i ispred nekog izvora svetlosti ( kod prozora, ispred nekog osvetljenja), pomeranjem glave, videćete koja su najbolja mesta za hajlajtovanje isključivo vašeg lica. 😊

When describing this highlighter’s shade, I’d say that this is a more warm, peachy – dusty rose color, with some subtle gold shimmer in it. The ingredients are very finely mild, don’t appear chunky or glittery on the skin. The liquid version is on the thicker side, with a slightly powdery scent. They both don’t accentuate the skin’s texture like some other highlighters. You can use whatever brush you’d like with the pressed version, and it works great with both natural and synthetic bristles. For example, a fan brush, or a more fluffy, less dense blending brush, whatever you prefer. With the liquid form, I stick to my fingers. Just dab a few dots of the SSP onto the skin and blend them out with your ring finger.
The products can be applied in a dramatic or a more subtle way, giving the face a nice, healthy, glow. You could use each product on its own, or both of them together. Pretty much, it just depends on the intensity/impact you want to achieve.
When it comes to the intensity, I’d say that the liquid form can be a bit less intense than the pressed – since you can shear it out with your fingers, so it’s perfect for daytime. If you would use them together, the pressed version adheres perfectly to the liquid form. This way you’ll amplify the intensity of the shade. When it comes to the longevity, had no issues with them rubbing off easily, pretty good wear, and if you use them on top of each other, the highlighter is practically sealed.

Što se tiče same Opal nijanse, opisala bih je kao jednu toplu, breskva – prljavo roze nijansu, sa diskretnim šimerom. Kvalitet izrade hajlajtera je odličan, šimer ne deluje krupno niti previše upadljivo. Tečna verzija je malo gušća, blagog puderastog mirisa. Hajlajteri takođe ne ističu puno teksturu kože. Podjednako se ponaša kao sa prirodnim tako i sa sintetičkim četkicama.
Možete koristiti koju god četkicu želite, kako klasičnu lepeza tako i neke ređe gustine četkice za blendiranje. Izbor je apsolutno na vama. Što se tiče tečne verzije, tu se lično držim prstiju. Prosto nanesete nekoliko kapi hajlajtera na kožu i domalim prstom jednostavno utapkate proizvod da se stopi sa podlogom. Sa oba proizvoda možete postići kako suptilniju dnevnu, tako i dramatičniju, večernju, varijantu hajlajtovanja. Hajlajtere možete koristiti kako svaki pojedinačno, tako i zajedno. Sve zavisi kakav efekat želite da postignete.
Što se tiče njihovih intenziteta, smatram tečnu verziju malo slabijom, ali savršenom za neku dnevnu varijantu. Ukoliko biste ih koristili zajedno, hajlajter u kamenu odlično prianja na tečnu formulu. Na ovaj način ćete prosto pojačati intezitet hajlajtera na maksimum. Što se tiče trajnosti, vrlo su postojani, a ukoliko ih kombinujete zajedno, bukvalno ste zacementirali svoj hajlajter.
When it comes to the ingredients, these products do contain things like talc, parabens, silicone, mineral oil, carmine, and parfum. So if your skin has issues with some of the ingredients, you could skip these products. I personally had no issues with them, but again – my skin is not sensitive. This is also a cruelty-free brand ( though not vegan, since it does contain carmine). Do keep in mind that some of their other products are paraben-free, so formulations do vary and they also often reformulate (E.g as you can see, the Pressed version is paraben-free ).
Što se tiče samog sastava, oba proizvoda sadrže sastojke poput : talka, parabena, silikona, mineralnog ulja, parfema i karmina (pigment). Prema tome, ukoliko zaobilazite neke od ovih sastojaka, možete ih i preskočiti. Ja lično nisam imala nekakvih problema prilikom njihove upotrebe, ali opet moja koža nije ni osetljiva. Ovo je cruelty-free brend ( mada ne i veganski zbog karmina ). Imajte na umu da su mnogi Becca proizvodi bez parabena, tako da formule dosta variraju od proizvoda do proizvoda, a ujedno često vrše i reformulacije (npr. kao što vidite, hajlajter verzija u kamenu ima formulu bez parabena ).

Important note: Use these charts made via COSDNA’s website more to see if the product contains any ingredients to which you’re allergic and/or – you prefer to avoid using (comedogenic reason, etc.). They’ll be a post regarding ingredients and safety stuff, how it can all vary since I’ve seen ppl going cray cray over things that are considered “toxic” and going just “all-natural”, about what I’ve learned, my point of view, etc.

I think that for the first time with a product – I really can’t find any issues. It really is a lovely highlighter in both forms.
Mislim da je ovo prvi put da apsolutno nemam zamerki. Zaista je divan hajlajter, kako u presovanoj tako i u tečnoj verziji.
Absolutely! The highlighter is just wonderful, great for day & night. Plus – the kit is also very reasonably priced when you look at the brand, so you should most definitely try it out! Since Christmas is around the corner, I would also suggest this as a lovely stocking filler, or in general, a really nice gift if you’re on a budget. I bought mine in Prague at Sephora, for the retail price of 520Kč ( around 20,34 euros / 23,73 $ ). For this holiday season, the kit is also available in “Moonstone” and ” Rose Gold ” so you can pick and choose.
Well, that’s it for my review! I hope you liked it! Until my next post, enjoy your weekend guys! 😊
Apsolutno ! Divan hajlajter, kako za neku dnevnu, tako i večernju varijantu. Cena samog seta je takođe vrlo pristupačna s obzirom da je ovo brend višeg cenovnog ranga. Zaista imate toplu preporuku od mene kada je u pitanju ovaj hajlajter. S obzirom da nam uskoro stižu i praznici, ovaj set je odličan primer Božićnog poklona, pogotovu ukoliko ste na budžetu. Set sam kupila u Pragu u jednoj od Sephora, po ceni od 520 čeških kruna ( to je oko 20 evra, tj. 2400 dinara). Inače za predstojeće Novogodišnje i Božićne praznike, Becca je ove jeseni lansirala set u još 2 nijanse ” Moonstone” i ” Rose Gold”, tako da je izbor setova trenutno malo veći.
Što se tiče čitatelja iz moje Srbije, a i sa ex-Yu prostora, Becca brend konačno stiže i u naše Sephora prodavnice tokom sledeće godine ( konačno se nešto pokrenulo po pitanju dovođenja brendova u Rumuniji, koja je centrala za ovaj region).
Nadam se da vam se ova podugačka 😬😬 recenzija svidela ! Do sledećeg posta, želim vam lep vikend ! 😊
¡ En mi blog, pueden preguntarme sobre los productos tambien en español, en la sección de comentarios ! 😊
Disclaimer: I bought these products with my own money, all opinions are solely my own. I’m not affiliated with the mentioned brands or companies. Keep in mind I’m not a dermatologist, chemist, or pharmacist. Also, what worked for my skin, won’t necessarily work for yours.
For further information, please visit my Disclaimer page.