“Nascence of a Brand” – Post Format

So, as I mentioned in my blog update, there will be some changes in my content. Now nothing major, just some additional post formats, to spice things up a bit. I’ve always had a great interest in the beauty industry. In all respects, not only regarding consumer products, but also the different business models as well.

These posts will give you answers to the 5Ws regarding a brand: Who, What, Why, When & Where. It can be quite interesting to learn what’s behind the curtain – what was the initial spark, what made someone take the risk and plunge into those sometimes muddy, business waters.

This isn’t actually something new on my blog. I’ve already written about brands in the past, so now they’ll just have a fully dedicated post. Each post will be followed by several product reviews of the brand. This will also be more practical for readers. The posts will be shorter and if you’re not interested in a brand’s retrospection, you can just skip it. πŸ˜€

The first post in this format will go up later this upcoming week, and it will be regarding ” The Body Shop ” so stay tuned ! πŸ˜‰

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