We’re on a roll folks! 😀 Next in line is a daily moisturizer also from The Body Shop, the “Vitamin E Gel Moisture Cream”. Let’s jump right in and see if it will be a summertime must-have or not.

The packaging is quite simple. You have a light pink plastic tub with a black lid on top. Cheap and cheerful. I like it, but have a small complaint – There isn’t one of those protective sealing discs with a pull tab under the lid. If you travel, during transport, the product can go up the lid. Also, when you buy it, there isn’t some kind of outer wrapping around the actual tub, so the product can get easily tainted ( as in someone opening the jars). Maybe I’m a bit anal, but…
Also, if you want to see the ingredients list, for example, to check if there’s something you’re allergic to, don’t forget to peel off the sticker booklet underneath the tub ( for a moment I thought the list ain’t there).
Krajnje jednostavno pakovanje. Roze plastična teglica sa crnim poklopcem. Jeftino i simpatično pakovanje ali imam jednu zamerku – Nema unutrašnji dodatni zaštitni poklopac. Nije zgodno ako putujete, jer ukoliko se proizvod malo izmućka, sve će otići u poklopac. Ujedno kada je kupujete, prelako se otvara, nema one spoljne zaštitne folije a ljudi previše vole da čačkaju i otvaraju proizvode, tako da… 😀 Ukoliko želite da vidite sastav, da recimo proverite da li sadrži nešto na šta ste alergični, ne zaboravite da skinete onu prvu etiketu ispod teglice ( prvobitno sam pomislila da liste nema).

About the Product & Ingredients -Vitamin E goodness
When you look at the ingredients, the moisturizer has wonderful nourishing guys such as Vitamin E (tocopherol on the list) which is extremely beneficial, especially during these summer months. Vitamin E is a very powerful fat-soluble antioxidant, used in dermatology for over 50 years. It’s an awesome protector and healer, helping the skin with any damage caused by solar radiation as a free-radical scavenger. Besides photoprotective properties, it also showed great results in some cancer research as being antitumorigenic (preventing the formation of tumors).
There are 8 types of tocopherol. It’s present in our tissues and blood ( that’s α-Tocopherol) and in our diet, you can find it in plants such as spinach, nuts, whole grains, but also in olive oil & sunflower oil (that’s γ-Tocopherol). Besides Vitamin E, we also have soothing aloe vera and bio-fermented hyaluronic acid (it ain’t of animal origin). The product is vegan, ofc not tested on animals, oil-free, non-comedogenic, and dermatologically tested.

Kada pogledate sastav, krema sadrži neke od osnovnih, jako korisnih sastojaka po kožu, pogotovu tokom leta. Tu je pre svega Vitamin E (tokoferol na listi). Rastvoriv u masnoći, ovaj antioksidant je prisutan u dermatologiji preko 50 godina. Štiti našu kožu od oštećenja koje prouzrokuje solarno zračenje, boreći se sa slobodnim radikalima. Pored fotoprotekcije, izvesne studije su pokazale da poseduje i svojstvo sprečavanja formacije tumora.Postoji 8 vrsta tokoferola, koji je prisutan kako u našem tkivu i krvi (α-tokoferol) tako i u našoj ishrani, prevashodno u spanaću, orašastim plodovima, žitaricama, maslinovom i suncokretovom ulju (to je γ-tokoferol). Pored dotičnog antioksidanta, krema sadrži i aloe veru kao i hijaluronsku kiselinu (koja nije životinjskog porekla). U pitanju je veganski proizvod, naravno nije testiran na životinjama, bez ulja, nekomedogen i dermatološki ispitan.
Application & Impressions
As the name says, this is a gel type of moisturizer. Medium viscosity, pretty light, with a subtle pearlescent hue. The scent is fresh and floral, which could be a bit too overwhelming to some people. Easy to apply, it’s not sticky, the skin absorbs it quickly, and it won’t leave any film on top of the skin (great as a makeup base). It Moisturizes nicely, very refreshing, especially during these hot summer days. Gives a slight plumping effect to the skin. I also tried it over some serums, and it didn’t pill or ball up. The product didn’t break me out, all in all, I think it’s perfect for combo skin.

Kao što sam naziv kaže, u pitanju je hidratantna krema gelaste strukture. Srednje gustine, vrlo lagana, blage sedefaste nijanse. Miris je cvetni i osvežavajući, mada će nekima možda njen intenzitet malo zasmetati. Vrlo se lako nanosi, nije lepljiva, brzo se upija i ne ostavlja nikakav film na površini kože ( zato je odlična i kao podloga za šminku). Odlično hidrira, deluje osvežavajuće i koži blago vraća punoću (“plumping” efekat- ne znam na srpskom 😀 ) probala sam je i preko nekih seruma i nisam imala problema da se proizvod taloži i šeta po površini kože (“doesn’t ball up or pill” – ne znam izraz na srpskom). Koža mi nije negativno reagovala na proizvod, generalno mislim da je odličan proizvod za kombinovani tip kože.
Any Remarks ?
Just the packaging remark, but I don’t see that as a really huge problem. Maybe they could lower the fragrance a bit since some people could have an issue with it. All in all, we good. 😉
Izuzev male mane kod ambalaže, nemam nekih ozbiljnih zamerki. Možda bi mogli da umanje intenzitet mirisa same kreme, jer sam sigurna da će to nekima smetati. Sem toga, sve je oke. 😉

Do I Recommend ?
Absolutely! It’s light, yet strong enough to provide the necessary hydration to the skin. Won’t break the bank, I bought it in The Body Shop Romania for the price of around 55 Romanian lei ( around 12 euros or 14 $). It’s a wonderful summer moisturizer and I will definitely repurchase it. 🙂
Absolutno ! 🙂 Lagana kremica, opet dovoljno hidratantna da nahrani i umiri kožu. Nije skupa i možete je kupiti u bilo kojoj TBH prodavnici. Ja sam kremicu kupila u Rumuniji po ceni od 55 lea (oko 1400 rsd) ali brend je sada dostupan i u Srbiji. Što se mene tiče, definitivno nameravam da ponovim kupovinu. 🙂
Disclaimer: I bought these products with my own money, all opinions are solely my own. I’m not affiliated with the mentioned brands or companies. Keep in mind I’m not a dermatologist, chemist, or pharmacist. Also, what worked for my skin, won’t necessarily work for yours.
For further information, please visit my Disclaimer page.