As part of my “Nascence of a Brand” post collection — This time I’m coming to you with the story of BECCA Cosmetics. Enjoy! 😉
Kao deo moje “Nascence of a Brand” zbirke postova — Dolazim vam sa pričom o brendu BECCA Cosmetics. Uživajte! 😉
While doing an extensive research for the perfect foundation formula, former MUA Rebecca Morrice Williams from Perth, Australia, came to an idea of a makeup brand. With the help of Steven Schapera, her CEO & business partner at the time — In 2001, after 6 years in the making, Becca Cosmetics was finally launched.
Nakon opsežnog istraživanja, u potrazi za savršenom formulom pudera, bivši šminker Rebeka Moris Vilijams iz Perta u Australiji, donosi odluku da pokrene sopstveni brend kozmetike. Uz pomoć Stivena Šejpira, tadašnjeg poslovnog partnera — Brend Becca Cosmetics je nakon 6 godina istraživanja konačno ugledao svetlost dana 2001. godine.
If you would use a word to describe the brand at the time, I’d probably say – “inclusivity”. Rebecca’s goal was to produce a makeup line that caters to all – women of all color, undertones, and skin types. Something that wasn’t present on the market at the time. For example, one of their first products was a foundation that covered a range of 30 shades and a concealer in 34 colors.
Ukoliko biste opisivali tadašnji brend jednom rečju, verovatno biste rekli — “inkluzivnost”. Rebeka je imala za cilj kreiranje linije dekorativne kozmetike, kojom bi zadovoljila veoma širok spektar potrošača. Kozmetika za apsolutno svaki tip, podton i boju kože. U prilog tome govore i neki od njihovih prvih proizvoda: Samo puder i korektor su već u startu obuhvatali preko 30 odnosno 34 nijansi.
Her development team is also known for diversity. Members like Elizabeth Reeves (Zalira Dalton on social media), a Kenyan-born Australian model and MUA, helped Rebecca understand the needs among women of color in Australia when it comes to makeup. Becca Cosmetics also had a special condition for retailers: You want to work with us? – Sell ALL the shades. 10 shades out of 30 on your shelves? – Buh-Bye. The company had a lot of integrity and stood by its policy.
U samom razvojnom timu kompanije, takođe nije bilo ni traga isključivosti. Članovi tima, poput šminkerke i modela Elizabete Rivs, inače Australijanke rodom iz Kenije, bili su od velikog značaja po Rebeku, pre svega u boljem upoznavanju sa potrebama žena tamnije puti u Australiji. Becca je imala i posebnu politiku, kada je bila u pitanju distribucija i rad sa maloprodajnim lancima. Svako je morao da ispuni 1 uslov – Ili prodajete SVE nijanse naših proizvoda, ili zaboravite na saradnju sa nama. Kompanija je odisala integritetom, čvrsto se držeći svojih principa.
On a Roll…
Rebecca would find inspiration in absolutely everything, ranging from travel and art to interior design, photography, and textiles. With years the brand grew, selling more than 350 products worldwide, with the “Shimmering Skin Perfector” liquid highlighter as one of their first bestsellers. Becca also became very popular among celebrities such as Naomi Campbell, Beyoncé, Cameron Diaz, Cate Blanchett, etc. In 2005, Becca gets its first stand-alone, posh-looking spa/store in London, South Kensington, which Rebecca was particularly proud of.
Inspiraciju je pronalazila svuda; kroz putovanja, od umetnosti poput fotografije i dizajna enterijera, do tkanina. Tokom godina, popularnost brenda sve više raste. Raspolažu sa preko 350 proizvoda koji se uspešno prodaju širom sveta. Naravno, tu je i “Shimmering Skin Perfector” tečni hajlajter. Jedan od prvih najprodavanijih proizvoda iz Becca asortimana. Među ljubiteljima njihovih proizvoda, sada su tu već bile i svetske zvezde poput Naomi Kembel, Bijonse, Kejt Blanšet, Kameron Dijaz itd. 2005-te godine Becca dobija i svoj prvi luksuzni maloprodajni objekat/spa u Londonu, Južni Kensington, na koji je Rebeka bila posebno ponosna.
Things Changed
Unfortunately, you know what they say –” Business is Business”.
Nažalost, znate kako kažu –” Biznis je biznis “.
In 2012, Rebecca sold Becca Cosmetics to Luxury Brand Partners but was still a part of the cosmetic group. The brand went through a “reinvention” process, resulting in a massive reduction of products. In late 2016, Luxury Brand Partners sold Becca to conglomerate Estée Lauder for around $200 million. Since the fall of the same year, Rebecca is no longer affiliated with the company.
2012. godine, Rebeka prodaje Becca Cosmetics kompaniji Luxury Brand Partners, s tim da je tada još uvek bila deo Becca grupe. Tada je usledio tzv. “preobražaj”, u vidu drastičnog smanjenja asortimana proizvoda. 2016. godine Luxury Brand Partners prodaje Becca Cosmetics, konglomeratu Estée Lauder za oko 200 miliona dolara. Od jeseni iste godine, Rebeka više nema nikakvog udela u radu same kompanije.
Based on the information I’ve gathered so far, they are still a cruelty-free company (PETA certified) and more or less have stayed on the same business path, even after their founder left the company (there was that whole alleged Jaclyn Hill fiasco, but I’ll skip that tabloid, UK Daily Star-like material this time 😁).
Na osnovu informacija koje sam sakupila do sada, kompanija je i dalje cruelty-free (sertifikovana od strane Pete) i manje-više su ostali na istom razvojnom putu i nakon odlaska samog osnivača (postojao je onaj navodni fijasko sa Džeklin Hil, ali taj tabloidni tip informacija ću preskočiti 😁).
Where are they now?
Well, in addition to enjoying their family life, Ms. Rebecca has launched a new brand in 2020 called “BODILE“, a clothing brand specialized in sportswear for professional & recreational dancers. Ms. Zalira (Elizabeth) continued with her work in the beauty industry with her own business, working as an MUA & professional photographer.
Osim što uživaju u porodičnom životu, Rebeka je 2020-e osnovala brend pod nazivom “BODILE“, marku sportske garderobe, specijalizovane za profesionalne i rekreativne plesače. Zalira (iliti Elizabeta) je ostala u okviru industrije lepote, kao MUA & profesionalni fotograf.
That’s it for today’s post! 😊 Hope you liked it!
Take care and stay safe, wherever you are in this 🗺!
I’ll type to you soon! 💃
- Beauty Marked! (Unknown date) “Up close and Personal – Rebecca Morrice Williams” interview Retrieved from BeautyMarked.
- Conti, Samantha (2005 April 29) “Becca opens Makeup Haven” Retrieved from WWD .
- Roy, Jamie ( 2011 April 26) “Rebecca Morrice Williams talks Nails, Photography and 10 years of Becca” Retrieved from PopSugar.
- White, Sara (2012 June 15) “Style Tailor: Rebecca Morrice Williams and Humphrey” Retrieved from Styletails.
- Press Release ( 2016 October 21) “The Estee Lauder Companies to Acquire BECCA Cosmetics” Retrieved from ELCompanies.
Disclaimer: I bought these products with my own money, all opinions are solely my own. I’m not affiliated with the mentioned brands or companies. Keep in mind I’m not a dermatologist, chemist, or pharmacist. Also, what worked for my skin, won’t necessarily work for yours. For further disclaimer information, please visit my Disclaimer page.