Back at it again! 🙂 This time another mask is on the agenda – ” British Rose- Fresh plumping mask ” by The Body shop. So, let’s start! 🙂
Novi post i nova recenzija ! 🙂 Danas je na dnevnom redu “British Rose – Fresh Plumping mask” od Body Shop-a. Pa da počnemo! 🙂

Packaging / Ambalaža
Like with the previous mask, the Himalayan one, I bought this one also in Romania. They both came in “FSC MIX“- certified cardboard boxes at the time ( this one is just anthracite grey/pink). Just to point out – the masks aren’t sold in a box in every country ( when I buy e.g. the Himalayan mask here in Serbia, the mask isn’t in a box). The heavy amber glass jar comes with the standard sealing disc with a pull tub beneath the black plastic lid, to prevent the mask from drying up. It’s also 75 ml of product, made in the UK with a shelf-life of 12 months after opening. There is also a mini, 15ml try-out version as well.

Kao i prethodno recenzirana maska, i ova je kupljena u Rumuniji. Takođe je došla kao što vidite u kartonskoj, FSC MIX– sertifikovanoj kutiji ( jedino što je ova antracit-sivo/pink boje). Moram da napomenem, da se ove maske ne prodaju u svim zemljama u istoj ambalaži. Kada recimo kupujem Himalajsku masku ovde u Srbiji, maska ne dolazi u kutiji. Staklena teglica boje ćilibara isto ima standardni podpoklopac da spreči isušivanje maske. Dobijate takođe 75 ml proizvoda napravljenog u UK, sa rokom trajanja od 12 meseci nakon otvaranja. Postoji i mini verzija od 15ml.
About the product and its ingredients

The 3 main ingredients in this mask are British rose essence, rosehip seed oil from Chile, and organic Aloe Vera from Mexico. With this combo, the mask is supposed to soothe, hydrate, and brighten the complexion, giving it a nice glow. The product is 100% vegan & doesn’t contain parabens, paraffin, mineral oils, or silicone. The product is dermatologically tested & not tested on animals.

Glavna 3 sastojka ove maske su organska aloe vera iz Meksika, ulje Britanske ruže, i ulje šipka iz Čilea. Ovakva kombinacija sastojaka, treba da umiri i hidrira kožu, ostavljajući za sobom blistav i ujednačen ten. Proizvod je 100% veganski, i ne sadrži parabene, silikone, parafin, mineralno ulje. Maska je dermatološki testirana & nije testirana na životinjama.
Application & Impressions
This is an amber-colored gel mask, infused with small chunks of rose petals. The smell of roses is not that artificial, nor overpowering. But, there is also an equally strong smell of alcohol that intertwines with it (or at least, that’s what my 👃🏻 picked up). When I first applied it, I used it on top of dry clean skin. There was a slight tingling sensation, but, on a scale of 1 to 5, it was a 1. I’d leave it on for about 15 min. When the gel dries up, it leaves a thin shiny film on top of the skin, but it’s not as tightening as other masks. It’s easy to rinse it off, leaving the skin as it was. Yes, you read it right. I didn’t see any difference in my skin after using this mask for several weeks. This was one of those “what’s the point?” types of masks in my experience.
Ovo je gel maska nemasne strukture u boji ćilibara, sa komadićima ružinih latica. Sam miris ruža nije toliko jak niti veštački. Međutim, pored tog mirisa ruže, prožima se i podjednako jak miris alkohola ( barem je to tako registrovao moj 👃🏻). Tokom prve aplikacije, nanosila sam je na čistu, suvu kožu i držala oko 15 min. Osetila sam blago peckanje, koje je na skali od 1 do 5, bilo oko 1. Nakon što se osuši, ostavlja na koži tanak sjajni film. Nije tip maske koja zateže nakon sušenja, za razliku od nekih drugih na tržištu i vrlo lako se ispire. Nažalost, ova maska apsolutno nije ništa uradila za moju kožu, ni nakon par nedelja upotrebe. Bukvalno joj nisam videla poentu.

After a while, as the all-knowing idiot that I am, that never reads instructions *except for Ikea ones*, I looked at the box it came with. Realized it said – Apply on WET skin. So, I thought, shit, maybe that was the problem. Tried it that way as well. Several times. Guess, what? Nothing changed. No difference whatsoever, in skin brightness or hydration. In general, the only good thing was that I had no reactions to it. It didn’t break me out, nor did it dry out my skin. I just felt like I was putting jelly on my face. Nothing more, and nothing less.
Posle izvesnog vremena, pošto kreten ne voli da čita uputstva (izuzev onih iz Ikee), pogledala sam kutiju u kojoj sam dobila masku, i shvatila da po uputstvu, treba da nanesem masku na MOKRU kožu. Okej, reko’ možda je tu bio problem… Koristila sam je i na takav način. Naravno, nikakve razlike nije bilo. Niti u hidrataciji, niti u blistavosti tena. Generalno, jedina dobra strana je bila u tome što nisam imala nikakve reakcije na nju. Ni u vidu isušivanja kože, ni u vidu pojave upalnih procesa.

Any Remarks?
On one side, I liked the not-so-artificial smell of roses, but on the other – I didn’t like the permeating smell of alcohol. Also, I didn’t like the confusing instructions, as the application instructions don’t coincide (website vs. packaging). The only good thing, if you ever decide to try it out, is that, as it’s a gel type of mask, it will probably suit most skin types – normal, combo (mine), and oily.
Sa jedne strane mi se zaista svideo miris maske, jer nema tako veštački i težak miris ruža, ali sa druge strane mi je zasmetalo što se prožima i miris alkohola. Druga stvar, koja mi se nije dopala, jeste nepoklapanje načina upotrebe (pakovanje naspram sajta). Jedina dobra strana ove maske, ukoliko se ikad odlučite da je probate, jeste što će po meni zbog svoje nemasne gel texture, odgovarati za više tipova kože – normalnoj, kombo ( moj tip) i masnoj.

Do I Recommend ?
Nope. This is one of those products that did absolutely nothing for me. Then again, we’re all different. Maybe you’ll see a difference when you use it. I didn’t. So, I won’t repurchase it. The retail price is around 22€, which is around 25$. If you really want to try it out, I recommend buying the mini 15ml version first. It was around 6€ or 7$.
Tried giving it to someone — No one wants it, as it smells of roses that nobody around me likes. I can’t think of a way to repurpose it (I hate wasting things…As a Slav, we’re born recyclers, it’s in our DNA 😁). Now, It’s important to point out that, there is a packaging recycling system by The Body Shop. Which is a great thing. 5 empty items and you get a mini shower gel of choice as a gift. So, when I use up some other products, I’ll just take them to the store. For now, it’s just sitting on a shelf. Waiting to meet its maker.
Prosto i jednostavno – NE. Ovo je jedan od onih proizvoda, gde prilikom njene upotrebe, nisam videla apsolutno nikakvu razliku. Opet, svi smo mi različiti, možda upravo vi vidite neku razliku na svojoj koži. Ja je iskreno nisam videla, i iz tog razloga je neću ponovo kupovati. Maloprodajna cena kod nas je 3.290,00 rsd (često je na sniženju po ceni po kojoj se prodaje u inostranstvu). Ukoliko baš želite da je probate, preporučila bih da prvo kupite mini verziju od 15ml koja košta oko 700 rsd.
Inače, probala sam da je poklonim, kako bi je neko drugi probao, ali niko osim mene ne voli miris ruže. Nemam ni ideja kako da je iskoristim za nešto drugo (to vam je ono slovensko prokletstvo “ništa se ne baca” koja nam je svima u krvi 😁). Samo da napomenem, da i kod nas postoji Body Shop sistem ambalažne reciklaže. Za 5 praznih ambalaža, dobijate po izboru mini gel za tuširanje na poklon. Eto, čekam da potrošim još par stvarčica i da sve odnesem u prodavnicu. Tako da za sada ta teglica čuči na jednoj polici i skuplja prašinu. Čeka da se upozna sa svojim tvorcem.